Self-Compassion as a Superpower

Self-Compassion as a Superpower

I made a mistake.  My chest tightens, my hands tense, and the negative self–talk starts. “How could I have done that?” Worse-case scenarios fly through my head. I start worrying about how this will impact others. Then I pause.  I take a deep breath and do...
How Can You Boost Your Immunity?

How Can You Boost Your Immunity?

At Integrative Family Medicine of Asheville, we know it’s important to strengthen your immunity throughout the year, not just during cold and flu season. Maintaining overall health will help support a strong immune system. First, eating a balanced diet is...
A Prescription to Pause

A Prescription to Pause

It’s easy to get lost in the busyness and pace of life. Moving from one task to the next, or from one responsibility to another without pause, we can lose touch with our center and who we really are.  Every age has seen crises, though no recent one has lived the quick...
Love, Loss, & Grief

Love, Loss, & Grief

The thing about grief is…We knew it was coming. Between the hearing loss, increasing difficulty standing up, and longer naps, the inevitable was unavoidable: our beloved 14-year-old dog, Oliver, was nearing the end. And yet, we kept being soothed by the sweet sound of...
Stress is Killing Us, Literally

Stress is Killing Us, Literally

Think about the last time you ran late, and traffic wasn’t cooperating. It could be for work, an appointment, or picking up your kids. You look at the clock on the car dashboard, knowing you’re not going to make it on time. Your heart beats faster. You...
Brain Fog: Are You Feeling Like A Zombie?

Brain Fog: Are You Feeling Like A Zombie?

This October it’s not just zombies that are suffering from brain fog.  “Why did I just walk into this room?” “Where did I put my keys?” These questions probably sound familiar as most of us will have temporary lapses in memory or focus. But when the frequency of these...