Please note that only the audio recording of this class is available. 

Self-compassion provides emotional strength and resilience. By admitting our shortcomings, motivating ourselves with kindness, forgiving ourselves when needed, and relating wholeheartedly with others, we can also  be more authentically ourselves. In this introductory class we will discuss and cultivate the skills of self-compassion. Participants will have the opportunity to try some brief Mindful Self-Compassion exercises.

Holly Satvika is a long-time meditator, trained teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion, family nurse practitioner, ancestral health coach, and a mother.  You can read her writings about self-compassion at

Please note that Holly guides participants through meditations at the following time stamps:

00:19:10-03:43:01 ~ Brief Mindful Awareness Meditation
07:26:15-10:53:00 ~ Guided Writing Exercise on Self-Compassion
33:32:02-43:18:11 ~ Guided Self-Compassion Meditation