Integrative Family Medicine is a direct primary care family medical practice in Asheville, NC. We believe that healthcare should, and can, be done differently. We have an integrative focus that supports long-term wellness by addressing the whole person and teaching our patients the skills they need to take better care of themselves. As a member of our practice, you receive highly personalized, integrative primary care from our team of medical providers, health coaches, nutritionists, and health educators. Our members enjoy more time with their medical provider compared to traditional medical care, at an accessible cost. We are perfect for families and individuals seeking a long term health partner whose goal is to get and keep you healthy. Our team approach also ensures you have a higher chance of a more favorable outcome if you do get sick. Our membership pairs very well with more affordable health insurance options, with savings on common health services, wholesale lab savings, and wholesale medication savings, while providing higher quality primary and urgent care. Now, more than ever, accessibility, personalized attention, and prevention matters when it comes to your health. To learn more, please visit our website!
In this Interview, Tamara Hanna, LPC shares her perspective on how we could be looking at grief during the Covid-19 pandemic. From expanding what we label as “grief,” to how we can better support one another while grieving, to how we can support ourselves in working with grief. At the end, she offers multiple resources for further reading, exploration, and support. With a master’s in clinical psychology, Tamara Hanna is a certified grief recovery specialist (through the Grief Recovery Institute). Her passion is to help people through grief, loss, change, and transitions. She does this by creating a safe space where authentic expression is welcomed, and where the goal is to process pain and grief – so that they don’t stick with us indefinitely. To learn more about Tamara Hanna’s work, visit her website.