Please choose your health coaching visit type below.

If you have potential COVID-19/Flu symptoms—recent onset of fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of smell, sore throat, fatigue, loss of taste, sore muscles, runny nose, headache, or diarrhea—you must be seen first either curbside or virtually or have a *clinic-verified, negative COVID test, regardless of vaccine status. *Performed within 24 hours by a medical professional.

Please choose your visit type—Initial or Follow Up—below. If you choose a video visit, you will receive instructions on how to use Google Meet on your computer, tablet, or phone.

[Follow Up] Health Coaching In-Person Visit

This is an in-person clinic visit to follow up with your health coach.

[Follow Up] Health Coaching Video Visit

This is a secure, HIPAA-compliant video platform (Google Meet) follow up appointment.

[Follow Up] Health Coaching Phone Visit

This is a follow up phone visit appointment for meeting with your health coach.

[Initial] Health Coaching In-Person Visit

This is an initial in-person clinic visit with your health coach.

[Initial] Health Coaching Video Visit

This is a secure, HIPAA-compliant video platform (Google Meet) initial appointment.

[Initial] Health Coaching Phone Visit

This is an initial phone visit appointment for meeting with your health coach.